The Prodigious Itinerant


Wherever you go, go with all your heart. — Confucious


Success comes to those who value and embrace the given passion to them. Being into that field is a privilege that must grow and should influence or inspire others.

A celebrity and a well thought big man is the founder and Chief Executive of a company called TPG or The Points Guy. He is the preeminent voice in the industry of points, miles, and the breathtaking travel and tour-related activities. Brian Kelly is a New Yorker voted in Forbes as the number 1 travel influencer in 2014. He was also considered as a Wall Street Road Warrior in the year 2010, where he extremely developed his grit and perseverance on maximizing his time travelling while minimizing the usage of spending. Since Kelly worked hard, the company grew as fast as it booms towards global market. He uplifted the company into a power house travel and lifestyle media platform, and through a dedicated team and hardworking editors, the company has now expanded its editorial content to include flight and hotel reviews, curated travel guides, immerse video reviews, as well as international affairs and participation.

Through his admirable works, contributions and visions of using travel as strength, Kelly serves on the board of the Rainbow Railroad and is a global ambassador for the high profiled PeaceJam Organization. Aside from that, he is also a big footed man having a down-to-earth predisposition. He and his company itself pulled off to raise 5 million air miles points for the Goalkeepers’ Women’s Movement Accelerator. The said event aimed to help women activists to make their voices be heard through decision-makers regarding specific issues. Kelly is also a member of PTTOW, a year-round community of innovative and creative leaders across business, sports, arts, and culture.

An interview was conducted in 2015 by David entitled: Celebrity Travel Addict: Brian Kelly, The Points Guy, highlighted some basic yet special things about the Points man. Aside from being influential and famous person, Kelly wants to make an impact to all of his readers. In just single clicks and seconds to scroll on their social media accounts, he considers it as a great opportunity to connect with other people. In accordance with the interview, Kelly wants to denote that it is important to maximize their life. Brian Kelly is indeed an admirable person because in spite of being a well-known and high-ranked personage in the industry, he is easy to please and to approach. That is because; he loves those people who appreciate the tips that he shares for them to have an amazing trip. Based on an article posted by Johnny Jet, the Road Warrior developed a psychological effect when he doesn’t get to have a flight. He gets anxious when he cannot even have just one flight in a week. That is how passion delivers a person to be more aware and dedicated to where their success and happiness exist in.

The Points guy made his own destinations around the globe. Through his will and determination, he already reached 45 and more countries around the world. In addition to that, he also crossed almost all the borders of each and every continent. America, Europe, and Africa have accepted and marked his footsteps to each state and sooner or later, Australia and Antarctica will be conquered by him.

Travel materials play a vital role in his baggage when he is on flight. He considers these as precious and notable things in his life. According to Kelly, every part of the plane, areas of every airport he departed on, and most especially the services that he attained, are considered as ingredients for a travel to be worthy and memorable.

Brian Kelly is also a man of empathy. Being an elite personality was never the reason for him to be on top. Kelly achieved his spot today by having a great passion and insistence. As a part of his work and a hundred percent part of his life, travel is an example of an extraordinary preference.

The Points guy enumerated the top five tips to have an astonishing travel experience. These tips were asked during his interview. First to mention is to explore the place and think of the wishes and dreams that you have wondered. Also, think of the hard works and sacrifices that you have been through and then take a deep breath and it is the insignia to start the day right in the place. Secondly, try something new. Do not be afraid to step out from your comfort zone and do the things that are out on your ‘to-do list.’ Third, immerse yourself in the place. Staying for a week in the place will do a heady. Feel the belongingness and embrace all the possessions that are in the place. Fourth, go shop for the things that will serve as a give away from the domicile. And lastly, never forget to take photographs. Capture the real atmosphere of the place with the natural you in the picture. It is important to preserve memories.

The lists that were mentioned are simple yet very fun. Brian Kelly’s tips represent his personality and how he lives his life. These tips are all worth it even though people might think that these things are emblematic. The tips that he shared to have an astounding travel experience epitomises that Kelly is undeniably a happy person because it appears in his shared tips that doing those things aids the needs of a travel experience to be a joyous and unforgettable one.

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